Contact us |
Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust |
Unit F |
Colstine Terrace |
88 Belvedere Rd |
7708 |
PO Box 44907 |
Claremont |
7735 |
Tel: +27 21 674 0361 |
Fax: 086 670 6772 |
Email: [email protected]
As a small organisation, the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust engages the co-operation and collaboration of a broad range of individuals and organisations in conceptualising and implementing its activities.
At the heart of the operations is the Projects and Administrative Assistant, Nosipho Masiza. The National Director, Dr Lionel Louw, takes responsibility for fundraising and financial management, and for the co-ordination of partnerships, publications and national events. The national office also hosts the dialogue events in Cape Town. For a list of events in the Cape Town area, click here.
The Wolpe Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees and an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee oversees the running of the Trust and provides guidance and support to the National Director.
Board of Trustees: Prof Adam Habib (Chairperson), Prof Saleem Badat, Dr Rozenda Hendrickse, Mr Mazibuko Jara, Prof Brian O'Connell, Minister Naledi Pandor, Dr AnnMarie Wolpe, Ms Peta Wolpe.
Executive Committee: Mr Mazibuko Jara (Chairperson), Dr Rozenda Hendrickse, Prof Fred Hendricks, Dr Firoz Khan, Prof Michael Savage, Ms Fatima Shabodien, Dr AnnMarie Wolpe, Ms Peta Wolpe.
The patron of the Trust is Nelson Mandela.

The activities of the Trust would not be possible without the significant financial support from our donors. Currently, these include: the Ford Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. We are also grateful to the many other individuals and organisations, both locally and internationally, that have made financial donations or contributed to the Trust in kind.
The Trust has engaged a number of partner organisations to assist it in fulfilling its mandate of fostering critical dialogue and debate to a wide South African audience. The Trust partners with organisations that share its commitment to creating opportunities for engagement and for disseminating these ideas to the public.
Partner organisations host regular open dialogue events, as well as the annual memorial lecture.
Current partners include:
- Durban: The Centre for Civil Society at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
- Johannesburg: The University of the Witwatersrand Sociology Department
- Eastern Cape: The Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Consultative Council, the Faculty of Humanities at Rhodes University, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Fort Hare
Durban partners
The Centre for Civil Society (CCS) is located in the Faculty of Community and Development Disciplines at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The Centre promotes the study of civil society, and develops partnerships aimed at knowledge-sharing and capacity-building in the civil society sector. The Centre runs a grant agency, a research unit, a postgraduate teaching and in-service training component, and an information agency. The CCS has been hosting its Harold Wolpe Lecture series since 2002.
• Events in Durban
• CCS web site
Johannesburg partners
Sociology is the study of society in all its complexity, from both an empirical and a theoretical perspective. The Department of Sociology at Wits has an outstanding staff with an extremely wide range of teaching and research interests, and a deep commitment to teaching and to involving students in its work.
The University of Witwatersrand (Wits) has been a partner since 2005. The Department of Sociology has a rich series of offerings for both students majoring in the subject and for those who wish to gain some idea of its scope, or to explore a particular area.
• Events in Johannesburg
• The Department of Sociology website
Eastern Cape partners
The Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Consultative Council (ECSECC) is a stakeholder council comprising provincial government, organised labour, the private sector, the NGO sector, local government and higher education sector. ECSECC is committed to the vision of a poverty-free Eastern Cape where all people benefit from the economy. ECSECC seeks to achieve this through providing advice and support to the provincial government in developing policies and strategies that will facilitate development and growth, and support government in the implementation of these. In addition, ECSECC provides avenues for diverse inputs into policy-making processes, supporting and facilitating development programmes between key communities of development practice, and empowering communities and grassroots structures of civil society to engage in development.
Rhodes University is one of the oldest Universities in South Africa, recently celebrating its 100 year anniversary. The University attracts students and academics from all over the globe and is committed to teaching, research and community service, and to contribute to the advancement of international scholarship and the development of the Eastern Cape and Southern Africa.
The University of Fort Hare is recognized as one of the prestigious universities on the continent of Africa and has a long tradition of producing leaders both in South Africa and the African sub-continent. Through the political actions of these leaders the University has contributed in a significant way towards the realization of democracy in South Africa and the rest of the continent. As part of the re-aligning of the University in the Higher Education sector of a democratic South Africa, the University is positioning itself to continue to be a centre for academic and intellectual discourse on social issues such as citizenship, democracy, liberation and economic empowerment. To this end the University is pleased to participate in this partnership.
The partnership with the Eastern Cape dates back to 2006.
• Events in the Eastern Cape
• ECSECC web site
• Rhodes University web site
• University of Fort Hare web site